Nier Replicant ver.122(US) Strategy Guide Walkthrough/PS4EPS5EPC

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This page explained in detail about  Beastbain of One-Handed Swords.

Here are how to get it, upgrade materials, weapon stories, etc.

How to obtain

NieR's Village(Child)
NieR's Village(Adult)
The Aerie(Adult)


Attack Power 172
Magic Power +40%
Weight Heavy

Long, long ago, in a faraway kingdom, there lived three brothers.

The middle brother was a famous general who commanded a vast army. People everywhere were terrified of his troops, for they were most violent indeed.


Materials Iron Ore~12
Complex Machine~1
Attack Power 221
Magic Power +50%
Weight Heavy

This general loved to make war.

He enjoyed nothing more than watching cities burn and corpses pile up\and he fought not to subjugate, but simply to destroy all that he could. His well-trained soldiers laid waste to towns, cities, and even nations for the sake of their general. And as they hewed and hacked and chopped, the general would chuckle to himself in the most vulgar of tones.


Materials Iron Ore~20
Complex Machine~1
Machine Oil~1
Attack Power 282
Magic Power +60%
Weight Heavy

The army marched on and on.

Nations by the sea. Nations in the mountain. Nations in the deserts. Nations in the tundra. Nations to the east. Nations to the west. The general cared not-he simply wished to watch it all burn.

His orders were absolute, and for years beyond counting the soldiers killed and killed and killed and killed and killed and killed and killed and killed and killed and killed and killed and killed and killed.


Materials Iron Ore~15
Attack Power 313
Magic Power +70%
Weight Heavy

After some time, the army arrived in a certain nation.

They killed its soldiers. They killed its townspeople. They killed its princesses and princes and dukes and bakers and lawyers and accountants and beggars and thieves.

Eventually, a shabby general came pleading for his life with tears in his eyes, but they killed him as well. However, the soldiers thought he seemed familiar and tried to recall how they might have known him. In that moment, however, the general's daughter appeared, and they became so engrossed in ending her life, they never thought about the matter again.

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