Nier Replicant ver.122(US) Strategy Guide Walkthrough/PS4・PS5・PC

NieR Replicant ver.122(US) Guides: Home page

Locations list

NieR's Village(Child)

This page explained in detail about NieR's Village(Child) of locations.

Childhood Words can be reclaimed in Tokyo(Adult).


Obtained and Drop Items

Chicken eggs and giant eggs tend to be collected after clearing "Q. The Lost Eggs".

NirR's house
Medicinal Herb Shelf
Strength Drop Shelf:Lost Shrine, After the boss battle
Spirit Drop Shelf:The Aerie, After the boss battle
Defence Drop
"Look at the sky" Post: Before going to Junk Heap
Magic Drop Shelf:Junk Heap, After the boss battle
Magic Drop Shelf:After joining Kaine
Strength Drop
"Don't Try So Hard" Post: After joining Kaine
700G Shelf:Barren Temple, After the boss battle
Defence Drop
"My Birthday!" Post:Barren Temple, After the boss battle
Spirit Drop Shelf:After the talked Red bag couple in Seafront
Health Salve Shelf:Manor, After the boss battle
Northern PlainsMap In Story
1000G In Story

NieR's Village(Child)

NieR's Village(Child)
Shopping street
600G In Story:Deliver 3 pieces of Mutton to the Item shop.
StrengthCapsule Drop from Shade
Closed Book Drop from Shade
Technical Guide Drop from Shade
Twisted Ring Drop from Shade: Rare

NieR's Village(Child)
Otes NieR's Village(Child)

Gebo NieR's Village(Child)


NieR's Village(Child)

NieR's Village(Child)
Medicinal Herb Gathering Items
Berries Gathering Items
Tree Branch Gathering Items
Chiken Egg Gathering Items
Giant Egg Gathering Items
Yonah's Ribbon Pick up at the east gate: in story
Vapor Moss Pick up near the south gate: in the story

Item Shop

Name Price
Medicinal Herb 100
Health Salve 1000
Antidotal Weed 600
Earthworn 10
Eastern Road Map 500
The Aerie Map 500
Forest of Myth Map 500

Material Shop

Name Price
Berries 200
Log 500
Ivy 300
Sap 600
Wool 800

Grocery Store

Name Price
Pumpkin 500
Beans 360
Tomato 300
Eggplant 400
Wheat 500

Flower Shop

Name Price
Tomato Seed 30
Pumpkin Seed 50
Eggplant Seed 40
Wheat Seed 50
Bell Pepper Seed 50
Dahlia Bulb 40

Weapon Shop

Name Price
Lily-Leaf Sword 2400
Beastbain 16800

Locations list