Nier Replicant ver.122(US) Strategy Guide Walkthrough/PS4・PS5・PC

NieR Replicant ver.122(US) Guides: Home page

Locations list


This page explained in detail about Seafront(Adult) of locations.


Obtained and Drop Items

Seaweed Gathering Items
Shell Gathering Items
Bivalve Gathering Items
Gastropod Gathering Items
Pearl Gathering Items
Black Pearl Gathering Items
Crab Gathering Items
Starfish Gathering Items
Empty Bottle Gathering Items
Driftwood Gathering Items
Sea Turtle Egg Gathering Items
Medicinal Herb Some wooden boxes
Wheat Seedling Some wooden boxes
Tulip Bulb Some wooden boxes
Bounty Fertilizer Some wooden boxes
Fishing Tip

Wooden boxes
Fishing Tip 3

Wooden boxes
Fishing Tip 4

Wooden boxes
Fishing Tip 5

Item Shop

Additional sales after clearing The Scattered Cargo

Name Price
Medicinal Herb 100
Health Salve 1000
Recovery Potion 8000
Antidotal Weed 600
Strength Drop 500
Magic Drop 500
Defence Drop 500
Spirit Drop 500
Strength Capsule 1600
Magic Capsule 1600
Defence Capsule 1600
Sprit Capsule 1600
Seafront Map 500
Sourthern Plains Map 500
Speed Fertilizer 300
Bounty Fertilizer 300

Material Shop

Name Price
Shell 100
Gastropod 500
Bivalve 300
Pearl 3000
Moldavite 5000
Natural Rubber 700

Grocery Store

Name Price
Melon 1200
Gourd 600
Beans 360
Rice 600
Royal Fern 150
Mushroom 800
Bean Seed 35
Rice Plant Seedling 60
Dahlia Bulb 40
Tulip Bulb 50
Freesia Bulb 80
Red Moonflower Seed 120
Gold Moonflower Seed 120
Blue Moonflower Seed 120

Tackle Shop

Name Price
Lugworm 10
Earthworn 10
Lure 100
Sardine 250
Carp 200
Shaman Fish 300

Fish Shop

Name Price
Sardine 250
Blowfish 350
Rainbow Trout 1200
Bream 1500
Black Bass 3000
Sandfish 5000
Royal Fish 8000
Blue Marlin 3800
Hyneria 12000
Shaman Fish 300

Weapon Shop

Name Price
Lily-Leaf Sword 2400
Beastbain 16800
Vile Axe 21600
Spear of the Usurper 19200
Phoenix Dagger 36200

Locations list