Nier Replicant ver.122(US) Strategy Guide Walkthrough/PS4EPS5EPC

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This page explained in detail about  Sunrise of Spears.

Here are how to get it, upgrade materials, weapon stories, etc.

How to obtain

NieR's Village(Adult)
The Aerie(Adult)


Attack Power 384
Magic Power +40%
Weight Moderate

In the distant past of a land known as the Golden Isle, there existed a sword crafted from every kind of metal and precious gem in the land. So sharp was its edge that even the slightest cut would leave an unsealable wound that eventually drained the victim of both their blood and life.


Material Silver Ore~1
Large Gear~2
Attack Power 442
Magic Power +50%
Weight Heavy

In a strange turn of fate, the sword eventually ended up in the hands of a destitute woman who sold her body to get by. The sword was as long as she was tall, and she could not wield it effectively, so she instead slid it between her sheets as a surprise for the men who used her. The sword was so sharp, they felt no pain when cut, and soon died without even knowing it was happening. The woman would then help herself to their coin, causing her own purse to swell.


Materials Silver Ore~2
Rusty Kitchen Knife~2
Forlorn Necklace~1
Attack Power 531
Magic Power +60%
Weight Heavy

Making use of her gains, the woman dressed most beautifully, and soon had acquired every kind of metal and precious gem in the land. But it was not enough for her, so she decided to melt down the sword and obtain the gems contained within a desire made manifest by the sword's beauty.

Thus decided, the woman heaved the sword to her shoulders and made for the blacksmith.


Materials Silver Ore~3
Subdued Bracelet~1
Attack Power 625
Magic Power +70%
Weight Very Heavy

But on the way to the smith, the sheer weight of the sword caused the woman to lose her balance, and she fell from a bridge into the river below. So unshakeable was the woman's greed that she could not bring herself to relinquish her grip upon it.

The woman's pale and bloodless corpse was found washed up on the riverside the following day.

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