Nier Replicant ver.122(US) Strategy Guide Walkthrough/PS4・PS5・PC

NieR Replicant ver.122(US) Guides: Home page

Sidequests list

Research Project

This page explained in detail about Research Project of Side quest.

Here are the locations, how to clear them, and the rewards.


Period Adult: Checked while looking for the key.
Clearing to A Tale of the Study
Loccation Talk to the butler in the lobby of the Manor(Adult).
Client Butler

Side quest guide

Underground Facility(Adult): Examine the light at the desk in the laboratory at the end of the giant maze on the second basement floor.

Obtain a Employee List

Seafront(Adult): Examine the grate of the house directly above the entrance to have a conversation.

Talk to the butler in Manor(Adult) to clear it.

Sidequests list