Nier Replicant ver.122(US) Strategy Guide Walkthrough/PS4・PS5・PC

NieR Replicant ver.122(US) Guides: Home page

Sidequests list

The Strange Fate of the Jewel

This page explained in detail about The Strange Fate of the Jewel of Side quest.

Here are the locations, how to clear them, and the rewards.


Period Adult: Checked while looking for the key.

Seafront(Adult): Talk to the woman near the port.
Client Resident
Reward 10000G

Side quest guide

Talk to the woman sitting by the fountain.

Enter the lighthouse and examine the barrel on the first floor.

Talk to the postman at the post office.

Examine the light in the area under the post office.

Obtain a Black Pearl

Obtain a Mermaid Tear

Talk to postman.

I choose to give it to the client.

Give it to the client to clear.

Sidequests list