Nier Replicant ver.122(US) Strategy Guide Walkthrough/PS4・PS5・PC

NieR Replicant ver.122(US) Guides: Home page

Sidequests list

A Child's Final Chance

This page explained in detail about A Child's Final Chance of Side quest.

Here are the locations, how to clear them, and the rewards.


Period Adult: Checked while looking for the key.

NieR's Village(Adult): Talk to Grocery store.
Client Grocery store
Reward 10000G
NieR's Village(Adult): 20% discount on Grocery store prices

Side quest guide

Talk to the boy near the fountain in the shopping district.

Talk to the girl near the Item shop.

Shopping Arcade Talk to the girl above the north gate.

If you approach the light on the large tree at the far end of Seafront(Adult), a conversation will occur.

Conversation event with Kaine when returning to the forest entrance.

Obtain a Antidote

Return to the village and report to the client to clear it.

Sidequests list