Nier Replicant ver.122(US) Strategy Guide Walkthrough/PS4EPS5EPC

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Fool's Accord

This page explained in detail about  Fool's Accord of Spears.

Here are how to get it, upgrade materials, weapon stories, etc.

How to obtain

A Departed Mother's Diary


Attack Power 300
Magic Power +30%
Weight Very Heavy

This is the story of a sorrowful prince. A tale of a kingdom in a time long past.

Attacked by the forces of darkness, the nation was annihilated in a single night by inhuman soldiers with red eyes and a group of black dragons so numerous they blotted out the sky. Having infiltrated the king's castle, the black dragons visited upon the king and queen a most horrible fate--it is said that their stomachs were torn open by the black dragons' mighty claws and the very floor they stood upon became a sea of blood.

The prince and princess, though wracked with sorrow, escaped to live another day. The prince, spurred by the shock of witnessing his parents' tragic end, became consumed by a desire to exact vengeance.


Material Damascus Steel~1
Attack Power 416
Magic Power +50%
Weight Very Heavy

This is the story of a terrifying prince. A history of a conflict in the long ago.

Obsessed with laying low his hated enemies, the prince indulges in his vengeance day after day after day. Even when faced with foes who take heel, he chases them down and tears them apart from groin to gullet. The carnage is so horrific, his fellow soldiers whisper tales of how they saw him mutilating bodies that are already long-dead.

Perhaps because no commander can control him, the prince is sent to an even harsher battle.


Material Damascus Steel~1
Attack Power 433
Magic Power +60%
Weight Very Heavy

This is the story of a fooled prince. The whereabouts of fate in the long ago.

The prince's next battleground is a castle that guards a goddess. He lays waste to all before him: hacking arms, cleaving legs, rending stomachs, gouging eyes, separating heads from shoulders. But soon the injured prince can no longer tell the difference between the blood that rains down and that which comes from his own wounds, and he collapses in a heap.

As he writhes in pain, coughing up gouts of hot blood, he lifts his gaze and sees a hated dragon standing before him.


Material Damascus Steel~1
Attack Power 600
Magic Power +80%
Weight Very Heavy

This is the story of a mad prince. A meeting with a dragon in the long ago.

An injured red dragon stands before the prince and though it is a different color than the beasts that killed his parents, he feels the need to avenge himself upon it regardless. But as he raises his sword, the dragon says, "In exchange for both our souls, human, I will save your life and grant you power."

After some thought, the prince makes the pact. It matters not to him what he might lose in the deal or that it involves a dragon; all he cares about is that he can continue swinging his blade. So he swings and swings and swings, and with each blow, his heart fills with a desire as black as the deepest night.

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