Nier Replicant ver.122(US) Strategy Guide Walkthrough/PS4EPS5EPC

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Labyrinth's Shout

This page explained in detail about  Labyrinth's Shout of Spears.

Here are how to get it, upgrade materials, weapon stories, etc.

How to obtain

The Damaged Map


Attack Power 168
Magic Power +10%
Weight Very Heavy

She was a hopelessly slow woman.

Impossibly clumsy, it would take her three times longer than anyone else to accomplish a task. She walked slowly, talked slowly she even blinked slowly. So slow was the woman that she could not even draw water to anyone's satisfaction.

The children began calling her "the cow" and laughing when she passed by, but she would only chuckle in response.


Material Fluorite~1
Attack Power 192
Magic Power +10%
Weight Very Heavy

She was a hopelessly dull woman.

When she fell and drew blood, she would carry on as though in a daze. Though coins often dropped from her purse, she never managed to retrieve one. And if someone spoke ill of her to her face, it would take hours for her to realize the insult.

When the children saw her, they would hurl rocks with glee.


Material Fluorite~2
Attack Power 221
Magic Power +20%
Weight Very Heavy

She was a hopelessly foolish woman.

One summer, when the village was suffering a most terrible drought, the woman vanished. The children all starved to death. The villagers spent no time worrying about the woman who ran away.

Two days later, rain fell and the village was saved, but the woman did not return. And on the twentieth day, a shaman arrived at the village.


Material Fluorite~3
Attack Power 460
Magic Power +60%
Weight Very Heavy

The shaman held a spear with a pair of horns that was oiled and sticky to the touch. So heavy was the spear that none could wield it effectively, although even if they managed to lift it, the weapon was incapable of piercing through anything at all.

The shaman forced it on the people and left it with them, but none dared approach it. And to this day, it quietly slumbers in a forgotten corner of the village.

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