Nier Replicant ver.122(US) Strategy Guide Walkthrough/PS4EPS5EPC

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Labyrinth's Song

This page explained in detail about  Labyrinth's Song of Two-Handed Swords.

Here are how to get it, upgrade materials, weapon stories, etc.

How to obtain

Disturbing the Sleep of Kings


Attack Power 223
Magic Power +10%
Weight Very Heavy

It was a beast that lived in a cavern's deepest, most untouched depths.

It had massive horns. A body like steel. Breath of scorching fire.

The peace-loving villagers hated this monstrous beast with the head of a bull and the body of a human. They feared it. And soon, the beast came to be known as the "Minotaur of the Labyrinth."


Material Fluorite~1
Attack Power 257
Magic Power +10%
Weight Very Heavy

Contrary to its terrifying appearance, the minotaur was exceptionally kind. Not only did it refrain from harming other creatures, it took great care not to trample flowers beneath its oafish feet as it walked. Indeed, the reason it lived so deep inside a cavern was to help avoid frightening the villagers.


Material Fluorite~2
Attack Power 295
Magic Power +20%
Weight Very Heavy

One day, a lost girl wandered into the beast's cavern. Frightened by the sight of it, she cried so hard she eventually passed out which left the beast in quite the quandary.

"I have no choice," the beast finally decided. "I must take the poor thing back to the village, for her mother and father will be terribly worried."


Material Fluorite~3
Attack Power 860
Magic Power +60%
Weight Very Heavy

Two days after the girl vanished, her panicked parents found her sleeping soundly in front of their home. On the ground a short distance away was the dead body of the minotaur. It had been impaled by several swords, and the blood scattered around it held an almost otherworldly quality.

Yet there was no indication the beast had attacked the girl. In fact, it looked as though it had been trying to place as much distance between itself and her as possible, so as not to dirty her with its blood almost as if it didn't want her to be afraid. And then, having curled up to made itself as small as possible, the monster died.

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