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This page explained in detail about Phoenix Sword of Two-Handed Swords.
Here are how to get it, upgrade materials, weapon stories, etc. |
Attack Power |
389 |
Magic Power |
+30% |
Weight |
Extra Heavy |
This is a story of a time long, long ago.
There was once a beautiful bird with resplendent feathers that lived a quiet life deep in the forest.
One day, a lost child wandered into the woods. He came from a place of famine, and had been abandoned in the forest as a way to reduce the number of mouths to feed.
Taking pity on the feeble, starving child, the beautiful bird plucked one of its own feathers and gave it to him. When he returned home, his family was overjoyed by the feather, and permitted him to live with them once more.
Hearing the child's story, one person after another descended on the forest to tell the beautiful bird how poor and unfortunate they were. Each time, the bird would pluck a feather and give it away, pluck a feather and give it away, until it had no more to give and its once-beautiful visage had become shabby beyond recognition.
But the shabby bird had no regrets.
One day, the original child appeared before the shabby bird, which was featherless and freezing in the cold. He had come seeking a bird with resplendent feathers, that he might repay the creature's earlier kindness.
Overjoyed, the shabby bird said to the child, "It is I you seek. If I might beg a favor, would you hold me to your chest and warm my freezing body?"
Sparing a single glance at the shabby bird, the child called it a liar and cut it down with a large blade. He then roasted the bird, ate every last part, and set out anew to find the beautiful bird who had once saved his life.
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