Nier Replicant ver.122(US) Strategy Guide Walkthrough/PS4・PS5・PC

NieR Replicant ver.122(US) Guides: Home page

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Labyrinth's Whisper

This page explained in detail about  Labyrinth's Whisper of One-Handed Swords.

Here are how to get it, upgrade materials, weapon stories, etc.

How to obtain

Northern Plains(Adult)
A Bridge in Peril


Attack Power 112
Magic Power +10%
Weight Very Heavy

So this girl had a huge set'a horns on her. Beautiful horns like a bull, just growin' outta her head above her ears, I had myself a gander at where the horns met the head, and let me tell ya, they were comin' straight outta her SKULL!

She was the only kid like that in the whole village―the others were all normal. The kid with the horns, though? Born real small, apparently, ...Er, the horns were, I mean. Not the kid. And hell, they woulda needed to be! Fat chance the kid's momma would have been able to push out a pair of horns huge as that! Haw haw haw!


Material Fluorite×1
Attack Power 128
Magic Power +10%
Weight Very Heavy

You'd think a girl like that woulda been bullied, right? Well, you'd be wrong―that kid was the hardest person for miles in any direction! Wasn't a man in the village who'd tangle with her―and we're talkin' men what ain't scared of nothin'.

She was the best at doin' work what needed physical strength and all that, and she always led the charge whenever Shades attacked, And folks loved her for that, sure―but most of all, they loved her because she was always cheerful and just plain tough.


Material Fluorite×2
Attack Power 147
Magic Power +20%
Weight Very Heavy

But one day, this huge Shade attacked the village that was just...too strong. It tore the men apart like old rags, and half the guys in the village died. The girl with the horns fought with all she had, but eventually she couldn't keep up, and the Shade lifted her off the ground and ripped the horns right outta her head.

The way she screamed was like nothin' you've ever heard-sound shook the earth itself, it did. After that, things got real quiet, so I stepped outside and found both the Shade and the girl dead. Each of 'em had wounds all over, and they were leakin' blood outta just about everywhere. And don't judge me for sayin' this now, but it was almost... beautiful. Like lookin' at dark red flowers in full bloom, ya know?


Material Fluorite×3
Attack Power 313
Magic Power +60%
Weight Very Heavy

Hope that answers your first question about why folks in this village can't hear nothin'. But you should know, none of us think badly of the girl for makin' us this way―bein' deaf is a hell of a sight better than bein' dead! Haw haw haw!

Anyway, we've all talked over that day to death, and we think that final scream was her way of sayin' goodbye. Everyone in the village is honored that the last thing we ever heard was her farewell, and that's the god's honest truth.

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