Nier Replicant ver.122(US) Strategy Guide Walkthrough/PS4EPS5EPC

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Earth Wyrm's Claw

This page explained in detail about  Earth Wyrm's Claw of One-Handed Swords.

Here are how to get it, upgrade materials, weapon stories, etc.

How to obtain



Attack Power 142
Magic Power +30%
Weight Very Heavy

An elderly scholar sits in the dim reference room of a moldy museum. Before him lies a single box which has long been sealed away; it is an article the museum's previous curator made abundantly clear should never be opened.


Materials Iron Ore~8
Scorpion Claw~10
Attack Power 163
Magic Power +40%
Weight Very Heavy

It is said the box contains a fossil that drinks the blood of humans. What foolishness! One would think we as a people would have outgrown such nonsense. Only someone who spends all their life surrounded by books could possibly believe such preposterous superstition.


Materials Iron Ore~8
Broken Pottery~2
Attack Power 209
Magic Power +50%
Weight Heavy

He opens the box, which spits forth a cloud of dust, and beholds a single stone of bizarre shape. Looking at the attached handle, one could easily conclude it was used in some manner of ceremony.
However, it could also be viewed as a weapon. And what a fascinating shape! Yes, this will require rigorous research indeed...


Materials Iron Ore~10
Attack Power 271
Magic Power +60%
Weight Moderate

How foolish everyone was, to be afraid of something like this!
The scholar chuckles softly to himself as he reaches up and gouges out his left eye with the fossil's tip.

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