Nier Replicant ver.122(US) Strategy Guide Walkthrough/PS4EPS5EPC

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This page explained in detail about  Transience of Spears.

Here are how to get it, upgrade materials, weapon stories, etc.

How to obtain

Equipped from the start(Adult)


Attack Power 221
Magic Power +20%
Weight Light

They were a frighteningly diligent people.

They would clear forests and hunt animals even when they had no need. They developed techniques to preserve food they were unable to eat, and earned more money than could ever be spent. Yet there was not a single one among them who did not accept these practices, for none knew of any other customs.


Material Iron Ore~2
Attack Power 254
Magic Power +30%
Weight Light

They were a frighteningly studious people.

Their grasp of calculation and science exceeded any pretense of practicality, and they would repeatedly engage in spirited debates regarding predictions of the future. They invented an increasingly difficult language, and created an infinite series of complex machines which they would immediately discard. But there was not a single one among them who looked back, for none knew of any reason for concern.


Materials Iron Ore~2
Twisted Ring~3
Metal Piercing~1
Attack Power 312
Magic Power +40%
Weight Light

They were a frighteningly obedient people.

Without ever being told, they would greet the morning sun at the same time, in the same clothes, while toiling away in the same cramped rooms. Yet there was not a single one among them who complained, for none knew what else they should be doing.


Materials Iron Ore~4
Attack Power 368
Magic Power +50%
Weight Light

Having worked far too much, the people lost their forests and took to living atop the sand.

Having grown far too intelligent, the people conversed in a language that no other peoples could comprehend.

Having grown far too well-behaved, the people were unable to defy the laws that would be established one after the other, and came to live their lives enclosed by tens of thousands of rules.

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