Nier Replicant ver.122(US) Strategy Guide Walkthrough/PS4・PS5・PC

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【All Trophies Guide】Plutinum Full Walkthrough

【Trophy】How to earn e8a898e686b6e382b5e383bce38390e383bc

This page is a summary of 【Trophy】How to earn e8a898e686b6e382b5e383bce38390e383bc.

How to earn

Obtained after clearing the E route (Kaine controlled story) and after the end roll.

You will be forced to enter the E route from the middle of the New Game→Story after the D ending (during the event after the second boss in the cliff village).

It's almost a straight path, so it's almost impossible to get lost.

【Endings branching】Conditions for A, B, C, D, and Eends to occur