Nier Replicant ver.122(US) Strategy Guide Walkthrough/PS4・PS5・PC

NieR Replicant ver.122(US) Guides: Home page

Sidequests list

A Shade Entombed

This page explained in detail about A Shade Entombed of Side quest.

Here are the locations, how to clear them, and the rewards.


Period Adult: Checked while looking for the key.

Facade(Adult): Talk to the soldier at the entrance (right side of the image).
Client Masked Soldier
Reward 20000G

Side quest guide

If you approach the Barren Temple(Adult), you will have a conversation with a bandit.

Barren Temple(Adult): Enter the long, narrow room to the northeast.

Defeat a group of Shades.

A conversation event occurs when you go outside the temple.

Defeat the bandits to clear the area.

Sidequests list