Nier Replicant ver.122(US) Strategy Guide Walkthrough/PS4・PS5・PC

NieR Replicant ver.122(US) Guides: Home page

Sidequests list

Shadows of the Desert

This page explained in detail about Shadows of the Desert of Side quest.

Here are the locations, how to clear them, and the rewards.


Period Adult: Checked while looking for the key.

Talk to the masked person near the pier (you haven't received the order yet at this point).

Once you're in and out of other areas, your client will be near the Facade.

Again, don't take orders yet. Talk to him and then go in and out of the other areas again.

Next, you'll find him on the bridge near the town of Masks. Talk to him and you'll fight Shades.

Client ---
Reward 30000G

Side quest guide

Defeat the swarm of Shades to clear it.

As explained in the location of the quest, there is no timing for the quest to occur.

After you receive the reward from the King of Facade, you will have completed the quest as "Shadows of the Desert."

Sidequests list