Nier Replicant ver.122(US) Strategy Guide Walkthrough/PS4・PS5・PC

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Yonah's Diary

This is a summary of the contents of the Yonah's diary that plays on the load screen.

The exact timeline is unknown, but I have listed them in order starting from January.

Yonah's Diary

◆ January 4

I decided to go look for a flower on my own and
it ended up causing trouble for NieR.
I hope he doesn't hate me...

◆ January 21

NieR seems kinda tired lately.
I'd better make him something tasty
to get him back on his feet!

◆ January 30

NieR came back!
He came back home to see me! Yaaay!

◆ January 30

NieR left pretty quick. He said he just
stopped by so he could see my face.

◆ February 3

Devola told me that I won't grow if I keep being picky
about what I eat-but I still think carrots are gross.

◆ February 4

I'm gonna learn to make awesome food for NieR. I better start
working on a new secret recipe.

◆ February 4

Once I finish my secret dish,
I'm gonna feed it to NieR!
Then he'll see how helpful I can be!

◆ February 4

I got a letter from Emil. He said NieR is
super strong and really, REALLY cool!
I hope I can see him kick butt someday...

◆ February 16

I hope I can have a good talk with NieR
tomorrow. I just want him to stay home with me more.

◆ March 7

I read a book about fish today, and it said
there are fish who can swim through sand.
I wonder if that makes their eyes hurt?

◆ March 16

The boy who's always running around outside
gave me a super pretty flower today!
I wonder if Popola knows what it's called?

◆ March 16

The flower wasn't in any of Devola's books,
so she said I could name it whatever I want.
Maybe I'll name it after NieR!

◆ March 20

I feel GREAT today! No cough, no fever-
watch out world, because Yonah's
coming out to play!

◆ March 29

This is the first time in a while I've written
in my diary. I was reading my older entries
and just couldn't help myself!

◆ April 4

I heard there are boars outside the village
that are really scary if you make them mad,
Now I'm worried about NieR all over again!

◆ April 5

Got a letter from NieR today! He's in a
far-away town where he can see the ocean. I hope
I can see the ocean someday. I bet it's huge!

◆ April 5

Whenever I read a letter from NieR,
I really feel like I need to see him again.

◆ April 11

NieR and Weissey are always together.
He says even though they argue a lot, they're actually
good friends. I wish I could travel with NieR sometimes...

◆ April 14

I got a letter from NieR. He says there's
a city where people talk with special words!
How cool! I want to try talking to them!

◆ April 14

NieR brought home a fish today.
He said it was really tough to catch, and I believe him!
It flopped around so much, it was kinda scary...

◆ April 20

The mailbox was empty today.
I hope I get a letter from NieR tomorrow.

◆ April 22

I saw NieR reading Mom's diary.
I tried reading it once, too, but it was filled with
all these hard words and I didn't get it at all.

◆ April 22

I had a dream where I was all grown up.
I was running around happy and healthy and
it was SO fun! I wish I didn't have to wake up.

◆ May 4

I write NieR letters every single day.
He always worries about me, but I feel fine.

◆ May 4

I wish NieR would send letters
every day like I do. But I know he's busy,
so every other day is okay.

◆ May 12

My cough just wouldn't quit today.
I bet NieR would have rubbed
my back if he was here...

◆ June 6

NieR said he'd come home for my birthday,
but I wanna celebrate his birthday once in a while!

◆ June 6

Today is NieR's birthday, but he's not here.
So I just had a party by myself!

◆ June 10

I had a really weird dream yesterday
where me and NieR were holding hands
and dancing around in circles together.

◆ June 12

There was a wedding in the village today. The bride
wore a white dress that was really, really pretty.

◆ July 20

Devola and Popola came to keep me company today,
They even sang a song for me! It was really great!
I need to practice so I can sing to NieR when he gets back.

◆ July 20

Devola and Popola went back home. That made me
lonely, so I ran around singing songs as loud as I could.
But then that got kinda weird and scary, so I stopped.

◆ July 20

NieR made a new friend, and guess what?
He's a KING! I wish I had some friends...

◆ July 23

I borrowed a book about the ocean from Popola.
It says the water is salty and you can't drink it...
but I bet you can drink a LITTLE and still be okay, right?

◆ July 23

No letters today either. I wonder if Popola
knows when more are going to get here?
I'll have to ask her tomorrow!

◆ July 26

A girl in the village came to talk to me. She was
upset about how loud and annoying her dad is.
I wonder if my dad was like that?

◆ August 1

I got a letter from NieR. He said there's a
village where all the houses are attached to cliffs!
I'd love to see it, but I'm scared of heights.

◆ August 14

Once I get better, I want to go swimming in the ocean.
I'm sure NieR will say it's too dangerous,
but I know I'd be great at it!

◆ August 31

I guess a Shade came near the village today.
People kept coming up to me and saying
"Boy, we sure wish your brother was around!"
And I said, "Me too! NieR could kick that Shade's butt!"

◆ August 31(Confirmed by Japanese version)

むらがざわざわしています なにかあったのかなぁ。
デボルさんが きにしないでいいと いいにきました。
おまつり じゃないみたい。 なんだろう?

The village is buzzing. I wonder what's going on.
Devola came to tell me not to worry about it.
It doesn't look like a festival. What is it?

◆ September 10

Last night, NieR told me stories
until I fell asleep. I don't remember
anything he said, but boy, was I happy!

◆ September 17

I snuck some berries out of NieR's bag
that were really sour! I'm gonna use them
in my secret recipe, hee hee!

◆ September 21

I wish I could meet the Kaine lady NieR
told me about. I bet she's really nice
and always says nice things.

I wonder if that's what my mom was like?

◆ September 21

Today Devola said that Kaine is "put together in all
the right places." I dunno what all of that means,
but I wanna be like that when I grow up!

◆ September 29

It was suuuper nice out today, so NieR
and I did the laundry. Nothing feels better
than getting everything nice and clean!

◆ October 1

I asked Devola if hooch tastes good and she said it's
the best thing in the world. She said we can have
some together when I'm all grown up!

◆ October 28

I was tired today, so I stayed home and hid in bed.
I could still hear Devola singing from somewhere, though.
Listening to her always makes me happy.

◆ October 28

These black marks keep showing up on my body.
Sometimes I wonder if I'm gonna turn into a goblin
or something, but thinking about it makes my
stomach hurt, so I try not to.

◆ October 31

I made stew today. It was my first time,
so I was pretty worried how it would taste,
but NieR ate the whole thing!

◆ November 18

Today I cleaned the house all by myself.
I'm getting good at doing chores!
I hope that makes NieR happy...

◆ November 22

Devola came over to visit today, and drank a bunch
of something she called "hooch." She loves it.
It was cute when she started meowing like a cat!

◆ November 22

NieR told me a story before bedtime the other
day about a husband and wife with matching red bags.
He said they fight all the time, but also get along great?

◆ November 23

NieR always leaves for work really early
in the morning. I want to see him off, so I'm
gonna do my best to wake up early too!

◆ December 1

Today, Popola sent me a new book about a great big tree.
I really hope it has a happy ending. There's nothing worse than a sad tree.

◆ December 1

In the book, the big tree kept on waiting and waiting.
I have to wait a lot, too. I wish I could do something.

◆ December 6

NieR brought a chick home with him!
It makes little chirps and follows me around

◆ December 12

I held hands with NieR when we walked
home today. His hands are so much bigger
than mine, and they're really warm!

◆ December 20

NieR planted some seeds in our garden.
I hope they were pumpkin seeds-
I love pumpkins!

◆ December 22

A merchant passed through the village today,
and she just kept pulling the craziest stuff out
of her big bag! She said her name was Accord.

◆ December 22

The snow won't stop falling, so NieR
said he'd stay here with me until it stops.
He'll probably leave again when it does,
so I kinda hope it snows forever.


◆ January 30

Kaine came to see me!
She came all the way here just to see ME!

◆ January 30

Kaine stopped by, but then left right away,
She said she just wanted to see my face.

◆ Februaly 4

I've decided I want to get really good at cooking so
I can make Kaine something that knocks her socks off.
It'll be my super-secret signature dish!

◆ Februaly 4

Once I'm done with my secret recipe, Kaine
will be the first one to eat it! Isn't it nice to
have someone so helpful around, Kaine?

◆ April 5

I got a letter from Kaine! She said there's a town
far, far away where you can see the ocean.
I wish I could see it, too. I wonder how big it is?

◆ April 5

I was reading a letter from Kaine
and realized that I really miss her...

◆ May 4

I wish I could get a letter from Kaine every day.
I wonder if it would bother her to know that?

◆ May 4

I write letters every single day, but sometimes I
wonder if Kaine will worry if I send too many.
I'd better write her and say I'm doing great!

◆ June 6

Kaine said she'd come visit for my birthday,
but I wish we could celebrate HER birthday
sometime. That'd be so fun!

◆ June 6

I had tears in my eyes when I woke up this morning.
I must have had a really sad dream. Maybe I'll talk to
Kaine about it the next time I see her.

◆ July 20

Devola and Popola came over to play with me.
It was so much fun?they sang for me and everything!
I'm gonna practice real hard and sing for Kaine!

◆ December 22

It won't stop snowing. But that's okay, because
Kaine will stay here with me until it does.
I hope she doesn't leave when it stops...